Friday 19 April 2013

Final production Brief 7 -Documentary 'The Way They See It'

This is my final documentary production. This is my final edit after the feedback i have gotten from my class, people who are in it and other people in the target audience.
Please watch in HD 720p

Ancillary 1 - Listed magazine - Final edit of the magazine article.

This is my magazine article final edit after the audience feedback i have gotten.

Ancillary 2 - Newspaper Advertisement - Final edit of my Newspaper advertisement

 This is my final Ancillary for my Newspaper advertisement. This is after all the edits from my audience feedback.

Feedback for my Newspaper Advertisement

I showed my four edits to 5 skiers and got them to pick the one they liked the most. It came back with a 5 nil win from edit number 4. This is because i have been doing focus groups with my class that one has been the most edited one. So here is the 4 edits from 1-4.

My favourite is number 4 and i think i am going to go with that one for my Final design.

Feedback - Hard to read the title and the information is too bright.
Feedback - The information is good tint however the font for the title is quite dull.
Feedback - The title case is better but it looks squashed, make it easier to see but not over the skier.

Ancillary magazine article research

In these pictures I have commented about the choice of pictures, type, placement of everything and size. I have chosen all different types of magazines. I choose 2 articles that relate to what I'm doing about skiing, I choose the other two because one is a existing film review and the other one was about a Person which linked in to the documentary brief I have.

Friday 5 April 2013

Class feedback for my production.

I finished my first draft and decided to show my Teacher and a student in the class to get some feedback from them so i can make my production better. I filmed the focus group we did and here it is.
From this focus group we did i am going to amend my production to what they have said and hopefully create a better product.